Internships and job shadows are valuable, real world learning experiences where students begin exploring career options. They provide authentic learning opportunities beyond the classroom setting. C3 members coordinate with partnering businesses and organizations to set up short term job shadows and/or internships which can be month long, semester long or year long and are credit-bearing.
Key Programs for Real World Learning
C3 members are involved in coordinating field trips to various businesses, bringing professionals into classrooms to share their expertise with students and hosting career panels. The focus of these programs is tied to career exploration and awareness. Alternatively, field trips and guest speakers can be tied to specific academic content areas. Additionally, some schools host career and job fairs.
Field Trips and Speakers
Internships and Job Shadows
An Extended Learning Opportunity (ELO) is a credit bearing learning experience that takes place outside of the traditional classroom. ELO's are student driven based on interest and provide students with authentic opportunities to deeply explore career paths, including those that may not be available through their school curriculum. They can provide alternative pathways for graduation requirements.
Extended Learning Opportunities