Academy Somerset Career and Technical Center
Auburn School Department
Bonney Eagle High School
Brunswick School District
Bucksport High School, RSU25
Cape Elizabeth Schools
Casco Bay High School
Deering High School
Freeport High School, RSU5
Gorham High School
Greely High School
Kennebunk High School
Lake Region Vocational Center
Maine Department of Education
Massabesic High School
Nokomis Regional High SchoolTraip
Portland High School
Sanford High School /Regional Technical Center
Scarborough High School
South Portland School District
Waynflete School
Yarmouth High School
The Community Coordinators Collective (C3) established in 2018 is an organization comprised of education professionals working to support students with career exploration opportunities. The group was developed to share resources and provide a platform for industry associations and business organizations to discuss potential workplace opportunities for students. C3 members and their school districts recognize the critical need for supporting students with opportunities to explore and define interests and learn about the skills necessary post-graduation. ​
A key objective of the group is to establish business partnerships that will lead to career exploration experiences: job shadows, career talks, tours, and internships. Often students are unaware of opportunities within the state including offers of possible tuition reimbursement and job training. Many private sector industries have realized that they must better communicate with schools to engage students prior to graduation and be proactive in order to attract their future workforce.